My name is Kylee Kohl and, at just 12 years old, I recently had the opportunity to participate in an amazing experience, the first ever Rush Soccer Festival for U12 girls and boys. It took place in Lincoln, Nebraska. To most people this seemed like an unusual place to have a soccer friendly, but for this event it was the perfect place. Rush teams from all over the country gathered together to play soccer. The 8 girls and 29 boys from Virginia Rush Soccer Club, where I play, began their journey when they boarded the plane to Nebraska. Since there were only 8 girls from my team going, we joined forces with another group of Rush players from Arkansas. This was an interesting experience to play with a brand new team also be coached by a brand new coach. We all had to adjust quickly to Arkansas technique and our Hawaiian Coach Ari’s technique. Everyday we competed against a new team from a new state. Along with daily games, we also had training and classroom sessions. Training was different every day. First we had team training. That gave us a chance to get to know our new Arkansas team mates. The next day we had position training. I attended mid field training with at least 4 coaches who were there to help us become better midfielders. This was not only a great opportunity for the players but also the coaches who had a chance to get together from all over the country and share coaching techniques. Then we had classroom sessions. Each day we sat in a big open room and listened to some amazing soccer experts, like Dave Dengerink from Virginia Beach, talk and teach about different topics like good sportsmanship. They showed videos and even brought in guest speakers.
But not only do I feel this Festival has benefited me as a soccer player, but as a person as well. Off the field at the hotel, I made so many new friends with players from all over the country. After a tiring day of playing as hard as we could, we would return to the hotel or go have fun and hang out with other teams at local places. One night we had an ice cream social, another night we went to an arcade/go cart place. The night we first arrived we went to the local Cornhusker Marriott for a welcoming ceremony. We were introduced to the staff and our Coach Ari. I am proud to say that the Virginia Club was represented by the largest group of boys and girls. During dinner, we were surprised with a visit from a professional soccer player, David “Wags”, who plays for FC Dallas. We all got pictures and autographs as well as some great soccer advice. Later in the week, we went to a captains meeting where we did exercises and learned how to be a great leader for our team. On the last night in Nebraska, Coach Matt Dacey took us all on a walk around downtown Lincoln. He wanted us to visit the Cornhusker Stadium and see what it would feel like to be a “Big Timer.” I got to see a Heisman Trophy up close. Later that night, we packed our things and said goodbye to all our new friends. The next morning we all boarded the plane. We were all sad that we would be leaving all of our new friends.
In my opinion, this experience helped the Virginia Rush girls and boy’s teams build especially close friendships. We have continued our friendships since we have returned home and enjoy cheering at each others games and saying hello as we pass each other at our local soccer complex. It makes us feel even more a part of this incredible Rush family. I feel this Nebraska trip was definitely a once in a life time opportunity to increase my soccer skills and build memories to last a lifetime. I am excited for the rising U13’s who will have the opportunity to have this experience next year. I feel proud to have been a part of something that will make Rush history and in a couple of years it will still feel amazing to be able to say I was a part of the Nebraska experience and to know I helped to make this event a success. I feel this is something all soccer clubs should experience. Your players will come back prepared for huge soccer tournaments and they will learn to be responsible and trusted by learning to be independent away from home. It is an opportunity to improve not only as a player but to grow as a person as well!