Virginia Rush TOPSoccer program kicked off last Saturday with an awesome turnout of 18 Rush Thunder players on the southside and 12 players on the peninsula. Coaches and staff were on-hand to greet each player and give them a brand new ball for their upcoming Thunder season. Buddies, who are VA Rush players, teamed up with the Thunder players to practice some skills and have a great time. The next session is Saturday, September 20th from 2-3 pm on Field 6 of the Hampton Roads Soccer Complex on the southside and from 2-3pm at Cooper Elementary on the peninsula. (Session dates 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/18, and 10/25). Players will get their official Thunder t-shirts at the 9/20 session and team pictures on the southside will be taken on 9/27 at 1pm before the regular TOPSoccer session. If you haven't signed your player up yet, it's not too late! We are still accepting players. For more information on signing up your player or to sign up your team (U13 and up) to be buddies contact
judi@varush.com on the southside or
steve@varush.com on the peninsula. (Picture is from our Spring TOPSoccer season.)